Baby Hudson

Baby Hudson
Que Lindo

Friday, January 9, 2009

I know what Little Boys Are Made Of...

So Hudson Is 7 Months old, and I sucked it up on the posting pictures. My apologies. Here he is none-the-less, I have been sitting here posting pictures for a LONG time now, and have updated from 3 months to 7. hope you enjoy. Starting here, in all his Glory... I give you Hudson Parks.
So a couple of days ago i took a shower and had him in here, a toy that he sit/stands in to play. i got dressed, and was about to continue on with my hair when i noticed he was doing that sit still sit still and then all of a sudden wiggle wiggle wiggle and laugh routine. and so i decided to spy on him. i poke my head around the door jam and descritely watch, sure enough as adorable as all get out and then i see something on his leg? whats that? and then i notice his socks, and the brown smired all over the floor of the toy. Yes, HE POOPED AND WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLED IT EVERYWHERE! and laughed. I SWEAR adam adn Sara (whom loaned us this toy) It has been properly cleaned and sterilized. Actually the strangest thing of all, when i pulled him out of the seat, expecting the nastiest of it all, in the seat... there was NOTHING! How in the Heck? magic Poo i guess. ?

It's Christmas Time!


"I LOVE MY LIFE!! !" -Hud
I'M a GIRL! (Yes this is hud)

The Parks Family!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Big Snow 2008!

well he is 6 1/2 months in these
photos, and he is a GREAT baby.
Every week when we pick him
up from the nursery at church the
ladies comment on how mellow this little guy is. He is content... oh and he moves A LOT! he started crawling (army style at first) at 6 1/2 months and is progressing fast. LITERALLY. I love it! In this photo of him sleeping in the crib, we put him in the center of course- and he moves to the end which is near the door where we check on him.... we walk into his room all the time and he is sleeping face into the rail as close to where we are as possible or staring at us through the slats.

"Ralphie, I can't put my arms down!"

oh the snow!
its the best watching him discover everything.
this is a bundled baby at the dog park on our street in the snow, fun!
And this is huck... having a blast. Have you ever read the Dr. Suess book Thing One and Thing Two? The wild and crazy beasts that get unleashed, well this is Huck... Thing One. and I'm sure Thing Two is sitting in the stroller and we just don't know it yet.

The view early AM from our window, the fog covering the valley.

The Wedding

Gavin Hudson, Dave and Micah

This was so fun, He stayed at nana and papas the night before and hadn't seen me in a long time, and then... he ate me.

Beth and Aarons Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!

at the end of november, a couple of our very best friends Aaron and Beth got married in the mountains. It was BEAUTIFUL, and gavin and I both had the honor of being in their wedding. It was a highlight of the year for sure. here is the beautiful bride and some of us at the wedding.

He Sits!

Hudson's First Bites of Rice Cereal mmmmm...?


Our Little Super Hero Found his Cape!!!

This is Hudson on Halloween. Inspired by his flying ability (see prior posts) auntie Leia found him a cape! it was slightly snug... due to muscle of course, and he was adorable!



We went to get pumpkins with our wonderful neighbors. We had a great day...pig races, kettlecorn, duck races... the works!


Our favorite place. The Farm.

Trying out for the nativity scene... and eating the scene.

"my mom is the bestest" -Hudson

The tail end of summer- Hike

Gavin, 3 month old little dude and Leia and Jaeden (2 years) went hiking together on good old Mnt Loop. while eating lunch we needed a place to set hudson so we could, eat, pee, chase jaeden and take photos- being as he was imobile he became a catapillar in a cacoon in the backpack. (shown here). Also- look at this view I had while nursing!! Then Leia and Jaeden... beautiful. She was a heavy one... gavins back hurt the following day! :) Take one for the team I guess. and that is Leia carrying Hudson in the other photo- we all took turns. Greeaaat day!!!

Woo Hoo!