Baby Hudson

Baby Hudson
Que Lindo

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Big Snow 2008!

well he is 6 1/2 months in these
photos, and he is a GREAT baby.
Every week when we pick him
up from the nursery at church the
ladies comment on how mellow this little guy is. He is content... oh and he moves A LOT! he started crawling (army style at first) at 6 1/2 months and is progressing fast. LITERALLY. I love it! In this photo of him sleeping in the crib, we put him in the center of course- and he moves to the end which is near the door where we check on him.... we walk into his room all the time and he is sleeping face into the rail as close to where we are as possible or staring at us through the slats.

"Ralphie, I can't put my arms down!"

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Woo Hoo!